Monday, February 11, 2008




February 8, 2008

For reference: Celso Pojas


Farrmers Association of Davao City (FADC)

Mobile: 0910-4364425 Email:

Not only just a scandal, ZTE deal is a crime

For majority of Filipinos who tries to survive on 2 $ daily income or less, a 130 million commission from a “dysfunctional government procurement” is not only scandalous, it is a crime against the Filipino people. And we from the Farmers Association of Davao City (FADC) express our uttermost condemnation of this crime.

Some would just shrug off the poor peoples’ litany of sufferings; accuse us of indolence and ignorance. But while we give every muscle and heart to our labor, we receive in return some loose change from those whose shameless and fearless greed deprive us of a righteous wage and income.

Like the many other open scandals of this administration, the ZTE deal is an eye opener, particularly on the institutionalized crime that pervades in our government system, directly or indirectly committed or tolerated by corrupt government leaders.

The ZTE expose shows the brazen ruthlessness of this regime. Firstly with the Executive Order 464 --- which prohibits "senior officials of the executive department and high ranking officers of the AFP and PNP " including those which in the "judgment" of the AFP Chief of Staff, PNP Chief Department Head and NSA head, are "covered by the executive privilege" from appearing before Congress without the permission of the President--- the president has secured itself from being scrutinized and investigated under due processes allowed in the constitution. In this case, the EO 464 has been used to prevent Sec. Romulo Neri as well as Rodolfo Jun Lozada himself from testifying against the president’s interests.

The abduction, coercion and harassment suffered by Lozada in the hands the authorities further heightened the militarist face of this regime.

Aptly described, the government leaders are like lions, who, by their animalistic cleverness, greed, and ascribed power mangle each other in a wide killing field rich with institutionalized bribery and extortion.

Amidst this situation, we express our support to the openness and regained bravery of Mr. Rodolfo Lozada, the support of the church, as well as to the continued investigation of the senate in order to bring light into this matter. We urge our fellow farmers, the workers, all oppressed Filipino people NOT to keep silent on these criminal acts, instead we must bring to justice these greedy bureaucrats and their running dogs-- the military and police. We call on every one to be vigilant and take the big risk. #


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